use the word apropos in a sentence
Using 'would' twice in same sentence.? - Yahoo! Answers.
The Literary Digest - Google Books Result.
How do you used Lofty in a sentence? - Yahoo! Answers.
use the word apropos in a sentence
Word usage in sentence: Themselves or Theirselves? - Yahoo! Answers.Can i hav seperate sentences using the words bizarre brusque cajole. select any of the dictionary links and you will get your sentences. I put in. necessitates apropos… how would you use the word contrive in a sentence?
Jan 2, 2013. Prefer the simple sentence to the complicated. Master the simple declarative sentence. Never use a long word when a short one will do as well.
How to write proper grammer (sentence, grammar, quote, words.
use the word apropos in a sentence
What Does Apropos Mean -
ENGA13 Basic Professional Writing Reference Files.
The word apropos means with reference to. The word also is used to state a speaker's belief that someone's remarks or actions. Use Apropos in a Sentence. ​.
Foreign words and phrases are not apropos. One should. Don't be redundant; don't use more words than necessary; it's highly superfluous. Profanity sucks.. If any word is improper at the end of a sentence, a linking verb is. Avoid trendy.
apropos definition: Apropos is defined as doing something when it is a good time to do it. (adverb) A check arriving in the mail the day before your rent is due is.